Our Vision

Connected Partners

TourConnect is passionate about providing great tools as we build a network of travel suppliers, tour operators, and agents into a truly connected industry. This means making it easy to find partners and manage partner relationships, contact information, and communications.

Universal Rate Format

TourConnect intends to eliminate the rate emails, spreadsheets, and company-specific websites that create so much duplicate effort for our industry. Travel suppliers will enter their rate and product information a single time and use that information, with simple updates, for years to come.

Artificial Intelligence

TourConnet will make operations, communication, and relationship management easier, faster, and more accurate than ever before. Imagine using artificial intelligence to eliminate mundane tasks, so our industry can focus on serving travelers. Together, we can do it.

As an industry, we need to stop trying to do everything on our own. It’s time to come together - the day tours, the hotels, the tour operators, the travel agents - each of us choosing to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

Mike Herrmann, TourConnect Founder

TourConnect is a company with a purpose - to unite and improve the tourism industry. Work is fun and inspiring when the reasons why you're doing it are so crystal clear.

Brad Herrmann, TourConnect Partner